Jesus' "original" Church in Jerusalem was restored in these, the last and latter days, by Joseph Smith. The boy-prophet saw God the Father and Jesus Christ in sacred daylight vision in 1820. Subsequently, in fulfillment of ancient prophesy and Divine command, he translated a sacred history of a portion of the tribe of Joseph who had left the old world and come to this continent hundreds of years before Christ's birth. His translation of their records, known as the Book of Mormon, is, like the Bible, a true and vibrant testament of Jesus Christ. It is freely available to all with a mere phone call or e-mail to Given power and authority from God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, Joseph Smith restored Christ's Church with all of its officers, laws, ordinances, and blessings--sealing his testimony of Jesus' reality and atonement with Joseph's own blood when he died a martyr's death at the hands of a lawless mob. The restored Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has flourished the world around despite every attack, every deceit, and every misrepresentation made against it. In compliance with Jesus' command to serve Him by serving our brothers and sisters, the Restored Church and its members engage in innumerable acts of compassion, benevolence, and charity without regard to race, creed, or color in every land where allowed. We acknowledge that we have never been alone in seeking to lift up our needy brothers and sisters. A great host is engaged in the work of saving men physically, and preparing for the return of the Great Jehovah, Jesus Christ, in awesome glory. We invite all who share our goals, if not our convictions, to join with us around the world to serve others. We love you. We applaud your service. We acknowledge the sincerity and profundity of your own sacrifices. We daily pray for you. We see our Savior's compassion in your inspired labors. We ask all who share such compassion to both join with us, and allow us to join with them, to serve Jesus Christ by serving His children. 90. We Call to You We call to you, our not-yet-friends, And bid you serve with us today. For though, at times, life’s path seems dark, Christ offers all His Better Way. That He may fill us with His joy, A peaceful spirit all His own. And if chill fears now shade your hearts, We seem to hear: “You're not alone. Christ died, in grief and pain, to bear, Your greatest burdens of the night, And, soon, in glory He'll return, That all will see God's perfect Light." Thus let us work toward what-shall-be, With you who share our troubled days. That by Christ’s grace, throughout all time, With you we’ll sing our Savior’s praise. (c) Unlimited Non-Commercial Usage Allowed I know that only Jesus Christ has the power to save. I affirm the reality of His virgin birth; His life; His sufferings in the Garden and upon the Cross; His voluntary death; His resurrection, and His infinite atonement. I testify that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only religion which contains the fullness of our Savior's gospel and the authority, ordinances, and leaders (apostles and prophets as in Jesus' day) necessary for the salvation of mankind. I know that Christ will come again. I pray that with you, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, I will be worthy to kiss his feet and shed my tears of worship and joy with all who love Him. I deem myself an unworthy servant, who has been blessed to serve as scribe, recorder, and recipient of these modest pieces. I solemnly confess that if you, the reader, should find any merit in these pieces, you should praise God, who is the source of all good. May God bless you and keep you in your service as He has blessed me in mine. Russell Hicks NOTE: This was the end of the original, printed version of the book, His Kingdom to Prepare--no longer in print. It will not be reprinted. The "Core 90" poems above, plus some 65 (and counting) subsequent poems are presented without charge here for unlimited non-commercial usage. |