53. That Patriot Dreams Will Come to Pass
How sad that we so rarely pray,
In gratitude for those before.
Whose struggles brought us to this day,
Whose sufferings opened freedom’s door.
They gave our Lord their every breath,
To seek for freedom as He asked--
Today, we face our fathers’ tests,
That patriots’ dreams will come to pass.
Yet some now speak of wars we’ve won.
And take their ease without a thought,
Of struggles that too soon will come,
With enemies our fathers fought.
For tyranny but sleeps awhile,
Until, refreshed, it comes again,
To mock the free with death’s dark smile,
And dare us fight until we win.
Our Savior asks us learn of them,
Whose blood has nourished freedom’s tree,
For in similitude of Him,
They gave their lives for liberty.
Let us now fight, while yet the light,
Shines bright from valiant heroes past,
Until we shine with Our Lord’s might,
That patriots’ dreams will come to pass.
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
Unlimited non-commercial usage allowed.
This poem was inspired by a verse from Katherine Lee Bate’s famous hymn, “America the Beautiful,” which states: “O beautiful for patriot dream, that sees beyond the years. Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears.” Whenever I consider the debt we owe to the founders of our nation, I am humbled and made thankful. Our Founders' story is far from over, for new generations are now called on to preserve freedoms our fore bearers earned with their lives.
#54--celebrating Law Enforcement Officers
#127--mourning the loss of our Founder's faith and vision
How sad that we so rarely pray,
In gratitude for those before.
Whose struggles brought us to this day,
Whose sufferings opened freedom’s door.
They gave our Lord their every breath,
To seek for freedom as He asked--
Today, we face our fathers’ tests,
That patriots’ dreams will come to pass.
Yet some now speak of wars we’ve won.
And take their ease without a thought,
Of struggles that too soon will come,
With enemies our fathers fought.
For tyranny but sleeps awhile,
Until, refreshed, it comes again,
To mock the free with death’s dark smile,
And dare us fight until we win.
Our Savior asks us learn of them,
Whose blood has nourished freedom’s tree,
For in similitude of Him,
They gave their lives for liberty.
Let us now fight, while yet the light,
Shines bright from valiant heroes past,
Until we shine with Our Lord’s might,
That patriots’ dreams will come to pass.
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
Unlimited non-commercial usage allowed.
This poem was inspired by a verse from Katherine Lee Bate’s famous hymn, “America the Beautiful,” which states: “O beautiful for patriot dream, that sees beyond the years. Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears.” Whenever I consider the debt we owe to the founders of our nation, I am humbled and made thankful. Our Founders' story is far from over, for new generations are now called on to preserve freedoms our fore bearers earned with their lives.
#54--celebrating Law Enforcement Officers
#127--mourning the loss of our Founder's faith and vision