20. Come Fasting to the Meeting House
Come fasting to the meeting house,
And join in songs of praise.
With cheerful voice we will rejoice,
In God’s appointed way.
With contrite heart we’ll thank our Lord,
For constant, loving care.
And by the Spirit’s whisper know
He hears our fasting prayers.
The prophets taught that fasting bursts
The bonds of sin and strife.
And Jesus showed how fasting brings
The humble soul new life.
Our fears are shackles to our faith,
A yoke we cannot break,
Without the power fasting brings
To heal each vain mistake.
We call the Sabbath a delight,
To fast and pray in truth.
And gladly give to those in need,
Who have not bread nor roof.
We’ll clothe the needy, feed the poor,
And make each brother whole.
There are so many joyful ways,
To lift our fasting souls.
And to our neighbors we will teach,
Of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Our testimony of His love,
Will bring His sure reward.
With simple words, and earnest speech,
We’ll share what we have learned,
And thrill to tell all those we meet,
Of blessings they can earn.
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
Unlimited non-commercial usage allowed.
See, Isaiah 58:6-11, 14.
Come fasting to the meeting house,
And join in songs of praise.
With cheerful voice we will rejoice,
In God’s appointed way.
With contrite heart we’ll thank our Lord,
For constant, loving care.
And by the Spirit’s whisper know
He hears our fasting prayers.
The prophets taught that fasting bursts
The bonds of sin and strife.
And Jesus showed how fasting brings
The humble soul new life.
Our fears are shackles to our faith,
A yoke we cannot break,
Without the power fasting brings
To heal each vain mistake.
We call the Sabbath a delight,
To fast and pray in truth.
And gladly give to those in need,
Who have not bread nor roof.
We’ll clothe the needy, feed the poor,
And make each brother whole.
There are so many joyful ways,
To lift our fasting souls.
And to our neighbors we will teach,
Of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Our testimony of His love,
Will bring His sure reward.
With simple words, and earnest speech,
We’ll share what we have learned,
And thrill to tell all those we meet,
Of blessings they can earn.
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
Unlimited non-commercial usage allowed.
See, Isaiah 58:6-11, 14.