29. Remember Not Past Years
In your pride you lost the Spirit.
Through your guilt, you lost Christ’s grace.
And there came a time you doubted
You would see God’s smiling face.
But the Father’s known your struggles,
Heard your prayers, and seen your tears.
And the Son has bid you “sin no more,”
Remember not past years.
There is no one now upon this earth,
And none who yet will be.
Who will live a life without mistake,
From all sin to be free.
But One such came so long ago,
That most now doubt He’s real.
Christ lived and taught to make us clean.
He died, our wounds to heal.
When the fruits of wrong turned bitter.
When you saw the hurt you caused.
He was there for you, and brought you back,
To His Father’s love and laws.
He has paid the price for all the sins
Of those who will believe.
With outstretched arms,
He welcomed you,
His mercy to receive.
With the tender prayers of loved ones,
Who have begged God mend your soul.
With the counsel of His servants,
Who have sought to make you whole.
Christ has wrought a mighty change
Within a heart once sick with sin.
And He’s given you, again, the chance
To come and live with Him.
Do not doubt the gift He’ll give to all,
Who will strive to do His will.
Do not err, in fear, by thinking
That your Savior won’t fulfill,
The promise that He’s made to those,
Who forsake their selfish ways,
And offer up their lives to Him,
To serve Him all their days.
We have seen the changes in your heart,
By the changes in your life.
We rejoice to see your labors,
With your children and your wife.
And though the road before us, still,
Is filled with tests and tears.
We cannot recall what made you fall--
Remember not past years.
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
Unlimited non-commercial usage allowed.
Doctrine and Covenants 58:42-43
“Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
"By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them. ”
“Lead Kindly Light”
“I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou, Shouldst lead me on; I loved to choose and see my path; but now, Lead thou me on! I loved the garish day, and spite of fears, Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years.” (Immortal Christian hymn authored by John Henry Newman and included in LDS Songbook.)
In your pride you lost the Spirit.
Through your guilt, you lost Christ’s grace.
And there came a time you doubted
You would see God’s smiling face.
But the Father’s known your struggles,
Heard your prayers, and seen your tears.
And the Son has bid you “sin no more,”
Remember not past years.
There is no one now upon this earth,
And none who yet will be.
Who will live a life without mistake,
From all sin to be free.
But One such came so long ago,
That most now doubt He’s real.
Christ lived and taught to make us clean.
He died, our wounds to heal.
When the fruits of wrong turned bitter.
When you saw the hurt you caused.
He was there for you, and brought you back,
To His Father’s love and laws.
He has paid the price for all the sins
Of those who will believe.
With outstretched arms,
He welcomed you,
His mercy to receive.
With the tender prayers of loved ones,
Who have begged God mend your soul.
With the counsel of His servants,
Who have sought to make you whole.
Christ has wrought a mighty change
Within a heart once sick with sin.
And He’s given you, again, the chance
To come and live with Him.
Do not doubt the gift He’ll give to all,
Who will strive to do His will.
Do not err, in fear, by thinking
That your Savior won’t fulfill,
The promise that He’s made to those,
Who forsake their selfish ways,
And offer up their lives to Him,
To serve Him all their days.
We have seen the changes in your heart,
By the changes in your life.
We rejoice to see your labors,
With your children and your wife.
And though the road before us, still,
Is filled with tests and tears.
We cannot recall what made you fall--
Remember not past years.
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
Unlimited non-commercial usage allowed.
Doctrine and Covenants 58:42-43
“Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
"By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them. ”
“Lead Kindly Light”
“I was not ever thus, nor prayed that thou, Shouldst lead me on; I loved to choose and see my path; but now, Lead thou me on! I loved the garish day, and spite of fears, Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years.” (Immortal Christian hymn authored by John Henry Newman and included in LDS Songbook.)