86. “Press On” From Payson’s Hill*
On Payson’s hill, their bodies rest,
In soil rich with Zion’s love.
These righteous saints fulfilled earth’s test,
And wait for glory up above.
We come this day to give their due,
As sons and daughters of their faith.
And by these words we share with you,
A precious hope which they kept safe.
Their graves have truth to say,
On Payson’s hill this day.
The scene is tranquil and serene,
And softly blow cool breezes here.
The grass is thick--a deep, lush green,
No sounds of discord linger near.
From peaceful fields, not far away,
A gentle lowing may arise.
And myriad birds oft come and play,
To cheer and gladden grieving eyes.
No tears were meant to stay,
On Payson’s hill this day.
“Press on” our fathers urge,
“With He Who guards and blesses you each day.
He loves you just as well as we.
His Spirit bids you firmly stay,
The course of Jesus’ right and truth,
Despite this world which seeks to sin,
And if you do, He'll share with you,
The joy that we have found in Him.
Press on in Christ's own Way,
From Payson's hill this day.”
With faith and works, and when God wills,
We too would rest on Payson’s hill.
* Payson, Utah Cemetary
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2 Nephi 31:20
“Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.”