147. Red Kettles and Silver Bells

(For the "Bell Ringers" of Christmas)
I love the sights and sounds of Christmastime,
For they call us to worship and pray
That our love of God and man may abide
Though the season too soon flees away.
But through all of my holiday shopping,
And the gifts and the trees and the lights,
I seek the red kettles and silver bells
That ring out ‘til Christmas Eve’s night.
Red kettles of love, and bells of bright hope,
Bear witness that Christ’s birth was real.
And the sufferings He bore at the garden and cross
Were His gifts that we might be healed.
Long after His Divine Resurrection,
The ringers of bells stay the same.
With the heartfelt smiles and wordless prayers
That they give without asking our names.
So I praise and pray for the Kettles and Bells
Of the honest, and caring, and meek.
Despite the disdain of the selfish,
They pursue that same spirit I seek.
And when comes the time, in fate’s judgment line,
I am called on to make my report.
I'll shall witness the worth of the Kettles and Bells
And thank them in God’s Holy court.
(c) servingjesuspoetry.com
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