134. The Covenant Path

The "Trigger":
A "tender mercy" after Nelda's poem was a variation of Lehi/Nephi's dream received just after I finished #133. My dream experience focused upon a collaborative effort to reach a glorious shared goal. There were beloved teachers, leaders, and progenitors ahead of me urging me on. There were others who came after, some of whom caught up with me and aided me in my struggle along the iron rod. I came to view the "iron rod" as the covenant path along which a "chain" of Saints helped each other forward. The sense of unity and common purpose was glorious. I praise God for those who have/do/will aid me in my quest.
"The Covenant Path"
I make my way on the covenant path,
My covenant hand on the iron rod.
If I would gain all that the Father hath,
I must follow the steps our Savior trod.
There are other roads which beckon and tease,
They seem to offer an easier way.
But the covenant path is not one of ease,
And Heaven’s not gained in a single day.
I ignore the taunts of the worldly “wise”;
The mists of darkness; the Tempter’s power.
I rely on the gospel the vain despise,
And the grace which Jesus alone empowers.
I persevere through the Enemy’s winds,
And the storm shafts sent from the Tempter’s hand.
With Messiah’s mercy I yet shall win,
That prize that Our Father alone commands.
I have learned that eyes cannot always see,
My Savior’s tender and loving embrace.
But I know that His Spirit comforts me,
And helps me through each perilous place.
Let us seek, together, the Tree of Life--
It's fruit more exquisite than words can speak.
The Father’s pure love is worth all the strife,
And perils, and pains of the joy we seek.
And let us, as one, be faithful and true,
To the path and the plan we share each day.
You shall have my aid, just as I need you,
To gain Father’s love in The Savior’s Way.
(c) servingjesuspoetry.com
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1 Nephi 11: 21-23
"And the angel said unto me...Knowest thou the meaning of the tree which thy father saw? And I answered him, saying: Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things. And he spake unto me, saying: Yea, and the most joyous to the soul."