154. "No Day Shall Pass nor Night Shall Fall"
(A Promise to A.A. and his Companion Defenders)

Background and Trigger:
The "A" family, "across the way" has had a notable and enduring impact upon me and mine. Mrs. A's birthday years ago inspired my first Spanish poem, No. 18, "Joya Escojida", and I shall be forever grateful for that motivation because of the subsequent Spanish poems found here--which still probably require correction as to accent marks! At that birthday, all of her four sons were present--two of whom were former Marines and a third ("A") was still in the Army.
The "ongoing unpleasantness" began with what some call "The Plandemic", and continued with ferocious riots in numerous cities large and small; including our own little desert community. As a consequence of that threat, Mrs. "A's" former Marine with whom she lived, joined me in an informal "mutual defense treaty" by which we will appear if needed. While I pray this never becomes necessary, I am prepared to respond instantly.
I learned this week that Mrs. "A's" army son would arrive on family leave--an event justifying another gathering of the clan. Mrs. "A" had 60 direct descendants, who, with diverse in-laws, filled impressive public service posts in medicine, education, and more. This was a formidable posterity which supported their parents' new homeland with zeal.
I told my neighbor that I would bring a cake to their feast. [And I did--a suitably large confection with a bright flag made of icing and the deserved inscription: "Familia Sobresaliente" (Outstanding Family).] However, the occasion was simply too perfect to ignore a prompting that "something more" was called for. Pleading for inspiration, I began a poem I first tentatively named, "The Pledge", which was based around the "hook" or "trigger phrase" now seen in the published version below.
In a notable "tender mercy" the Lord gave me the piece in time for the family's fiesta, and it was accompanied by gifts to the veterans of boxes of small but surprisingly heavy items sold in lots of 50--this both "made a statement" and affirmed the promise I made before the Lord: No day shall pass nor night shall fall but I will protect these whom I love with such limited powers as I still possess.
#154. “No Day Shall Pass nor Night Shall Fall”
The soldier’s bags were almost packed, and he would soon depart.
He gazed upon a tender scene, with love that pierced his heart.
His mother, well advanced in years, surrounded by his kin,
Would soon extent tearful farewell, as duty called again.
No more a youth, his visage shown with purpose fierce and rare,
He’d leave the comforts of his home to protect those who lived there.
On foreign shores, cruel tyrants mocked the flag and faith they bore.
Thus, men of strength and will were called to guard our land once more.
I was a neighbor, “across the way”, and I knew this family well.
For years we shared both work and play and the news we’d often tell,
Of “How are things? What’s new with you? And yours—how are they all?
“And have you heard from the soldier-son who answered freedom’s call?”
I paid a visit to their home before he left again,
And, prompted by our Heavenly Sire, I promised this to him:
“My summer’s youth has long since passed, my prime has fled away.
“My eyes grow dim with the price of time; My stamina won’t stay.”
“But though I’m worn, and old and weak, until death comes for me,
“No day shall pass nor night shall fall but I shall pray for thee.
“And even as you’ve pledged your soul to the God who made us free,
“I pledge to you I shall give my all to preserve those dear to thee.
“So leave those whom you love the most, assured I love them too,
“And fight for the freedom of our homes with faith both bold and true.
“As you have answered a ‘call to arms’, I shall answer your family’s call.
“And if or when they need my aid, I’ll protect them ‘til I fall.”
(c) servingjesuspoetry.com
All non-commercial uses allowed.
This is October Conference week-end, and, to me, both glorious balm and further warnings were conveyed. Our time of peril shall indeed pass, leaving a Restored Church strengthened and expanded by the Lord's foresight and preparations. However, before the ultimate day of glory, more trials and challenges may yet await us. To me, one of numerous personal promptings I received was clear--I need more range time, even as I need to refine my soul on the covenant path.
See also:
#53 In praise of our Founders
#54 In honor of Law Enforcement Officers
#112 A request for Divine forgiveness for our nation
#113 A call to support Columbia again
#115 Liberty’s promise to those who love her
#127 A prayer for our troubled homeland
#142 The need for latter-day defenders