65. At a Place So Very Different
At a place so very different,
At a time far in our past,
We gave our word to God the Father,
That we’d do all that He asked.
But we’ve come to have forgotten,
What we felt once long ago,
And, at times, the Spirit’s fire,
Seems a fitful, feeble, glow.
There were so many, then, around us,
When we vowed we’d always fight,
To tell the world about the Savior,
And bless others with His light.
But some comrades have been wounded,
In this war that does not end,
And we cry in grief and anguish,
For our hurt and absent friends.
Come and help us to remember,
How we gloried in Christ’s might,
For, together, we can vanquish
Every foe to freedom’s right.
Pray to Father, in the Son’s
Most holy name, that we endure.
For His heart is full of mercy,
And His promised blessing sure.
Let us never fail our promise.
Let us beg His love and peace.
That we keep our garments spotless,
Until war and sin have ceased.
Brothers, sisters, we so need you,
And we seek your strength each day.
Only as we stand together,
Can we live in Christ’s own Way.
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Doctrine & Covenants 38:27
“I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.”