67. Sons of Zion, Jesus Calls You
Sons of Zion, Jesus calls you,
Counsel with your leaders here.
By the prayer of faith, petition
That His Spirit linger near.
He has asked you bless and care
For precious souls that He holds dear.
And He’ll strengthen those who teach you
To fulfill the call you hear.
Sons of Zion, be ye clean,
That bear the vessels of your Lord.
Seek to live as did your Savior,
That you earn the Son’s reward.
Through His chosen, He will guide you,
To defend with Spirit’s sword,
Thy choice brothers, and dear sisters,
Who now strive to live His word.
Sons of Zion, Heaven beckons,
With a joy that will endure.
As you labor in His vineyard,
Know your Savior’s love is sure.
As you seek to do Christ’s bidding,
His meek Spirit makes you pure.
As you bless and strengthen others,
Every weakness He will cure.
Sons of Zion, come to counsel,
That all Saints may be as one.
Living by the Holy Spirit
You will serve the Father’s Son.
And you share a hope eternal,
That on earth, His will be done.
Till the day of promised blessing,
When in glory, Christ shall come.
(c) ww.servingjesuspoetry.com
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(See Doctrine & Covenants 20:38-43; 46-47, 53-55)