153. “Where You Stand, You Should Still Lift”
Background and Trigger:
Fall will soon arrive. The "Cookie Crusade" proceeds relatively well. Plates of brownies or cookies are personally delivered with messages, including poems from this site, to members of the Ward. We have learned how important even modest "face to face" interactions may be with our brothers and sisters; despite the limitations of "COVID19 PPE/rules and regulations". Here in the "People's Republic of California" this means face masks in public and the continued denial of all outdoor or social activities including an express prohibition on CHURCH MEETINGS of any kind. [Don't get me started!]
So, before the time for this week's deliveries, I again asked for names to visit from appropriate auxiliaries...and waited. After a few days I began to panic: No names! "What to do, what to do?" I got a prompting: "Send a message, a new poem, to the counselors and secretaries, and clerks of the Ward. Some may feel frustrated."
Well and good. I started with a phrase, "For all the good you do". However, it proved...unproductive. Praying and reading Book of Mormon I started a new piece based upon the famous Conference address by Elder Uchtdorf, "Lift Where You Stand." Again, I can only praise the Lord for using my two hands.
153. “Where You Stand, You Should Still Lift”
(For the Kingdom's Counselors, Clerks, Secretaries, and Scribes)
In Christ’s Church, as in the Heavens,
Father’s Order reigns supreme.
And by ways oft hushed and humble,
All are asked to share Christ’s dream--
That the fullness of His Gospel
Sweep the Earth, “As With a Flood” (1)
That, in time, each righteous child,
May be crowned with Father’s love. (2)
In the Kingdom, there are “callings”--
Different ways to serve Our Lord.
They may vary in their luster,
But each bear’s its own reward. (3)
Thus, those wearing heavier mantles,
Are, for now, seen more than most.
Yet each “President” and “Leader”
Needs the aid of “lesser posts”.
You were chosen to give counsel,
You now, “keep the books of God”.
You are guides, and clerks, and helpers
To those you might hold in awe.
But the Savior is Your Master,
And the Spirit is Your Friend.
And if you are true and faithful,
You’ll gain glory without end. (4)
Do you languish, lacking closeness?
Are you lonely; feel adrift?
Now, despite these days of tumult,
Where you stand, you should still lift. (5)
Trust that Father will assist you,
To fulfill your calls, despite,
Our dear chapel shut and shuttered,
While great evil prowls the night. (6)
Ask the Father for His blessing,
As to ways you can still serve.
And in Jesus’ name reach out now
To the needy who deserve,
To receive your voice of friendship,
In a skype, or chat, or tweet.
By such simple things and small ones, (7)
All can “meet at Jesus’ feet”. (8)
Where you stand, you should still lift.
© servingjesuspoetry.com Unlimited Non-commercial Usage Allowed
We give you our testimony that the days are not far distant that we shall “again meet around Jesus’ Board”. We shall again embrace one another. We shall again share those bonds of sociality which evidence our testimony as we take the Sacrament, together, with rejoicing and full purpose of heart—to serve our Lord and Savior.
Fall will soon arrive. The "Cookie Crusade" proceeds relatively well. Plates of brownies or cookies are personally delivered with messages, including poems from this site, to members of the Ward. We have learned how important even modest "face to face" interactions may be with our brothers and sisters; despite the limitations of "COVID19 PPE/rules and regulations". Here in the "People's Republic of California" this means face masks in public and the continued denial of all outdoor or social activities including an express prohibition on CHURCH MEETINGS of any kind. [Don't get me started!]
So, before the time for this week's deliveries, I again asked for names to visit from appropriate auxiliaries...and waited. After a few days I began to panic: No names! "What to do, what to do?" I got a prompting: "Send a message, a new poem, to the counselors and secretaries, and clerks of the Ward. Some may feel frustrated."
Well and good. I started with a phrase, "For all the good you do". However, it proved...unproductive. Praying and reading Book of Mormon I started a new piece based upon the famous Conference address by Elder Uchtdorf, "Lift Where You Stand." Again, I can only praise the Lord for using my two hands.
153. “Where You Stand, You Should Still Lift”
(For the Kingdom's Counselors, Clerks, Secretaries, and Scribes)
In Christ’s Church, as in the Heavens,
Father’s Order reigns supreme.
And by ways oft hushed and humble,
All are asked to share Christ’s dream--
That the fullness of His Gospel
Sweep the Earth, “As With a Flood” (1)
That, in time, each righteous child,
May be crowned with Father’s love. (2)
In the Kingdom, there are “callings”--
Different ways to serve Our Lord.
They may vary in their luster,
But each bear’s its own reward. (3)
Thus, those wearing heavier mantles,
Are, for now, seen more than most.
Yet each “President” and “Leader”
Needs the aid of “lesser posts”.
You were chosen to give counsel,
You now, “keep the books of God”.
You are guides, and clerks, and helpers
To those you might hold in awe.
But the Savior is Your Master,
And the Spirit is Your Friend.
And if you are true and faithful,
You’ll gain glory without end. (4)
Do you languish, lacking closeness?
Are you lonely; feel adrift?
Now, despite these days of tumult,
Where you stand, you should still lift. (5)
Trust that Father will assist you,
To fulfill your calls, despite,
Our dear chapel shut and shuttered,
While great evil prowls the night. (6)
Ask the Father for His blessing,
As to ways you can still serve.
And in Jesus’ name reach out now
To the needy who deserve,
To receive your voice of friendship,
In a skype, or chat, or tweet.
By such simple things and small ones, (7)
All can “meet at Jesus’ feet”. (8)
Where you stand, you should still lift.
© servingjesuspoetry.com Unlimited Non-commercial Usage Allowed
- Elder David A. Bednar, BYU, August 19, 2014, “To Sweep the Earth as With a Flood”
- Matthew 25:23—"His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” [Let us recall that this sublime recognition and acceptance was given not only to those who magnified their “five talents”, but those who were faithful in magnifying “only two”.]
- In the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard, those servants who came last, but labored well, received the same reward as those who labored from the first. See, Matthew 20:1-16.
- 1 Corinthians 2:9—“But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’”
- Elder Uchtdorf, “Lift Where You Stand”, October Conference, 2008.
- Where some Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish congregations have held services at diverse places in the nation, despite “government lockdowns”, grave injuries to persons and property have been seen as rioters and “protesters” run amok. The Lord foresaw our days and prepared a better way—HOME CENTERED, CHURCH SUPPORTED WORSHIP.
- See, Alma 37:6—"Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.”
- “God Be With You Till We Meet Again”. Text: Jeremiah E. Rankin, Music: William G. Tomer. See: Thessalonians 3:16 and Numbers 6:24–26. [Text here omitted.]
We give you our testimony that the days are not far distant that we shall “again meet around Jesus’ Board”. We shall again embrace one another. We shall again share those bonds of sociality which evidence our testimony as we take the Sacrament, together, with rejoicing and full purpose of heart—to serve our Lord and Savior.