79. Tell Us, How Do Servants and Teachers Like You Come Along?
We have watched you for years as you’ve labored,
As our trials and burdens you’ve shared,
As you gave of your hearts, as you gave of your faith,
As you showed by your service you cared.
Many brothers gained strength and direction,
Many sisters were blessed every day.
For each year saw your kindness increasing,
As you helped precious souls find His Way.
Your example has always amazed us,
And we’re hoping that you’ll help us too,
With a question that comes to us often,
As we witness the good that you do.
Tell us, how do servants and teachers like you come along,
Who heal life’s pain and anguish with love?
There are so few we know, there are so few below,
We are sure you were sent from above.
It must be that you’re Father’s example,
Of what we can become when we live
Like His Son did when He walked the Galilee roads,
As He taught selfish people to give.
So to Father we pray for your safety and care,
As you work in His vineyard with love.
And we trust that He’ll give you the strength that you need,
Till its time for your mansion above.
Those who strive for a glory celestial,
With the righteous and faithful, like you,
Have a hope that some day, if we follow His Way,
We’ll become just as loyal and true.
We thank Father for your choice example,
And we thank you for your Christ-like care,
For so many whose great joy in Jesus,
Won’t be full until you’re with Him there.
But we trust that the Lord will be patient,
For your good works are not over yet.
There are others to serve, and great joy you deserve,
Until God’s greatest goal* has been met.
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Moses 1:39
“For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”