61. Death Has Not Won, But Lost
Before this world, before this flesh,
God’s faithful children had agreed.
That we would face this mortal test,
So those who walked by faith might see.
To this estate, first parents came,
To seed the family of man.
With Eve, our father, Adam, reigned,
The noble roots of Father’s plan.
With hope and courage they would choose,
To break a law, that man might be,
Their sacrifice began our test,
Their children spread from sea to sea.
Still, for so long, death conquered all,
As each who died shared Adam’s fate.
The grave held fast a countless host,
Who, rising not, were doomed to wait.
Oh, glorious day, when Jesus came,
To pay the price, at such a cost!
The tomb forbade him rise, in vain.
Death did not win, but lost!
We mourn this friend, who loved us all,
Who showed us how the just should live.
He served our Lord with his great heart,
God’s gifts to share, Christ’s faith to give.
We saw his labors, heard his pleas,
That we would follow Jesus’ way,
He spent his days to teach us truth,
But now, he too is called away.
And yet his witness still abides,
Of He who died upon the cross.
With faith, we join his triumph shout:
“Death has not won, but lost! ”
We give a pledge of lasting care,
To those who must await their call.
To leave this fleeting, earthly state,
And rise to meet the Lord of all.
Be not afraid of earth’s cold tombs,
God’s loving peace melts grief's brief frost,
This soul shall rise, and so shall you,
Death has not won, but lost!
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
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See also: 40; 63; 80; 85-88; 133; and 136.