52. Prayers for the Peacekeepers

(America's Defenders are Among God's Choicest servants)
It’s been long since we have seen you,
But your face is in our hearts,
And we’ve asked that Father keep you,
In His care while we’re apart.
Into foreign lands you’ll journey,
On exotic shores you’ll roam,
But remember as you travel,
There’s a humble place called home.
You are always loved at home.
You have heard a call for service,
And the need to prove your worth.
But at times you may feel lonely,
As you march this troubled earth.
Yet you will not battle blindly,
If the Savior is your guide.
For through every test and trial,
He would walk right by your side.
Live to keep Christ at your side.
With your comrades you are striving,
To create a peace too rare.
In these days of strife and struggle,
Tyrants’ threats now fill the air.
But you do not seek for conquest,
For your goal’s not wealth or fame.
Your true strength comes as defender
Of the right, in Jesus’ name.
Keep the peace in His good name.
Everywhere and every hour,
In uncounted homes each day,
Families kneel in true devotion,
And the children learn to pray.
Hear their parents as they teach them,
How to ask God to impart
Peace, and love, and joy, and safety,
To the soldiers in their hearts.
You are always in our hearts.
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
Unlimited non-commercial usage allowed.
Mormon Channel Memorial Day Message of May 25, 2015 from an Apostle of God:
"All veterans seek peace—peace of mind, peace of conscience, peace of understanding, and the peace that comes from Him who suffered for all of us and, through His grace, enables us to return to God whole and complete. For those who still yearn for His promised peace, may I offer this counsel: Never stop trying, never give up, and never lose your faith, for the Son of God knows you and will heal your heart and encircle you in the arms of His love (see 2 Nephi 1:15)."
See also:
#53--in praise of our Founders
#54--in honor of Law Enforcement Officers
#112--a request for Divine forgiveness of our nation
#113--a call to support Columbia again
#127--a prayer for our troubled homeland
#154--a pledge of care for families of our defenders