57. Because of the Son
Again, last night, I felt despair,
And once more fell upon my knees.
I asked that Father hear my prayer,
And grant my earnest, humble pleas.
Because of the Son.
I have no worthiness within,
With which to force a perfect Sire,
To give my soul, made weak with sin,
It’s one, inspired, good desire.
That I follow His Son.
There is no service I can make,
That might compare with Jesus’ pain.
But I have faith that for His sake,
He saves believers on His name.
On the name of the Son.
Christ freely offers His great gift--
Forgiveness we cannot compel.
With which He heals the awful rift,
That else would send our souls to hell.
But for Jesus, the Son.
And so, through all our days we cry
For grace, that we be made anew.
It was for this that Jesus died,
A sacrifice for me and you.
Made by God’s perfect Son.
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
Unlimited non-commercial usage allowed.
2 Nephi 25:23, 26
“For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do. . . And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophecy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.”
Again, last night, I felt despair,
And once more fell upon my knees.
I asked that Father hear my prayer,
And grant my earnest, humble pleas.
Because of the Son.
I have no worthiness within,
With which to force a perfect Sire,
To give my soul, made weak with sin,
It’s one, inspired, good desire.
That I follow His Son.
There is no service I can make,
That might compare with Jesus’ pain.
But I have faith that for His sake,
He saves believers on His name.
On the name of the Son.
Christ freely offers His great gift--
Forgiveness we cannot compel.
With which He heals the awful rift,
That else would send our souls to hell.
But for Jesus, the Son.
And so, through all our days we cry
For grace, that we be made anew.
It was for this that Jesus died,
A sacrifice for me and you.
Made by God’s perfect Son.
(c) www.servingjesuspoetry.com
Unlimited non-commercial usage allowed.
2 Nephi 25:23, 26
“For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do. . . And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophecy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.”